12 Sep Skawennati

Fellowship Artist
Fellowship: We Are Here (2011)
Cultural Affiliation: Mohawk
Born Tricia Fragnito, Skawennati grew up on the Kahnawake Mohawk reserve in Quebec, Canada. She currently lives in Montréal. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Arts and a Graduate Diploma of Institutional Administration from Concordia University in 1992. In 2009 and 2013, Skawennati was the Best New Media winner at imagineNATIVE for her machinima TimeTraveller™ and AbTeC collective for the video game Skahiòn:hati—Rise of the Kanien’kenhá:ka Legends. In 2015, she was selected to represent Canada at the Biennial of the Americas. Co-founder of Nation to Nation and co-director of Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace, Skawennati has dedicated her creative passion to involving and representing Native peoples in new technologies such as video games and machinima, and to establishing online networks such as Cyber Powwow. Offered to viewers at no charge, her multimedia seeks to provide Native peoples an opportunity for representation and participation.