12 Sep Brenda Mallory

Fellowship Artist
Fellowship: Conversations (2015)
Cultural Affiliation: Cherokee Nation
Mallory grew up in Oklahoma, but currently works and resides in Portland, Oregon. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and English from the University of California—Los Angeles in 1982, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in General Fine Arts from Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2002. In 2007, Mallory was the recipient of the Emergency Funds Grant by the Foundation for Contemporary Art; in 2013, the Residency in Sculpture at Anderson Ranch Arts Center; and in 2016, the Golden Spot Residency at Crow’s Shadow Institute and Visual Arts Fellowship from the Native Arts and Culture Foundation. Mallory is a multi-media multi-tasker, working in discarded materials, as well as cloth, beeswax, resin, and bolts, to construct sculptural installations resembling abstract organic forms. Patterned together or in random lines, her works express her ideas on repetition, disruption, and fragmentation.